Wednesday, May 30, 2018

journal 6 :)

Business journal
Its interesting that when we go to class we always learn something new , but I was very excited in class to be able to plan out the sell anything challenge. Its going to be quite the adventure because we are going to be able to put skin on the line and practice our business abilities, we plan to try to sell food to be able to make profit and give that to charity. Its not always easy to make money and we saw that coming up with an idea and something that everyone was excited about and wanted to sell. So from what I have seen so far in a business and running a company your going to have to make4 choices sometimes that not everyone will 100 % agree with but in order to move forward and have growth we have to and are forced to make choices. Another thing I like and learned in class this time was that many times we try hard to but as everything we do its not always easy to make the money you spend back, a lot of people in our group really wanted to make the money they spent back. Its scary to think you will lose the five dollar investment and it actually represents in the future hundreds of thousands of dollars or maybe even millions of dollars. But in the end we have courage and hope that all will go well and we will be successful force of will and our spirit of adventure overcome that fear.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

journal 5

Journal 5
So this week in class we had an interesting case study continuing  and build off the one we had last week. It was very interesting to see how the bowling company though more profitable had changed so much. One thing my group thought was really importin was the name change it never occurred to me that a name change in a company could be so significant. When the name changed from west lakes bowling to sugar bowl many people in my group started to think it was an ice cream shop or maybe something to do with football. The name of your business of industry can make a huge impact on marketing and sales and what people think about it. We were also able to get some ideas on how we would react in Givens position and what we would like to do differently , I would like to sell the company at this point if I was her and pay back her loans and all her debit. I also had an opportunity to speak wit h some of my mentors and ask them questions it was very interesting to see how happy and successful they were and most of them. Still have a strong wish to grow and help those around them and give back its truly a commendable characteristic. Most of my mentors even thought they are very successful are still humble and remember their roots and they are able to be more successful because of this.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Case study West Lakes

Journal reflection 4
This week in class we had a very interesting situation to analyze and learn about an interesting case study in which we were able to see how the west lakes bowling center was able to make a comeback from a failing company to one that produces revenue. And what interested me in this business situation is how its growth is exponential. One interesting point that was brought up in the class was would it be worth to sell, buy or liquidate the business. At first, I thought it would be worth to liquidate the business but after putting more careful thought. I feel with some more improvements the West Lakes bowling place could become a wonderful hangout spot. Another reason I would like to buy the business would be because it has history and many people and families know this place as a hangout spot and I feel like that’s is its main selling point. And the numbers from 2008 – 2010 don’t lie in less than a year it began to turn profit. But overall, I feel like I can take a lot from learning from other business and other peoples experiences and apply it to my own life.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Linkedin !!!!

Journal reflection 3
This time in class we learned about Linkedin and about how networking works and should be done. I really did enjoy the lesson and what I learned I was able to open my mind more to I must start doing so I can be employed after I graduate. It was very interesting to hear stories of success such as the young man that had the dream of going to wall street and he went and networked his way into his dream even if he was not from a huge school or an ivy league school. But shows that if you have true talent or work hard and have the people skills you can get anywhere. I also am excited to try out and make a linkedin account and see how I can grow an expand my contacts even though I am a freshman I am happy I learned this when I did because now I have 2 more years to figure out and build my network. I am curious who or what kinds of people I will meet as well as what common ground I will find  with them, its so exciting to think about I want to grow my contacts and meet people with similar goals as me and also people have achieved those goal.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Journal 2 Family first

Journal time again!  well lets see this week was a very interesting week we were able to learn plenty of things about how life is not always easy and sometimes sacrifices have to be made in order to allow you to grow, but sometimes choosing to grow and make money may affect your personal life and people around you if you cant manage your time correctly. I have a strong belief that it is possible to work be successful and have time for putting your family first. To better define what is putting family first because I do understand it’s a personal thing when I say family first I mean being there for your spouse and your children being able to watch them grow and actively participate in there lives and not hear them complain about how you have no time for them or don’t pay attention. To avoid this its important to make correct choices many times we underestimate how far just a little bit of love and affection shared can go a long way. But that’s what I want to strive  to accomplish my true success will be having a wonderful family that I can care for and I know if I do this I can be successful like my father and mother were.