Wednesday, June 13, 2018

sell anything ... sell everything

So in this past week we did the sell anything challenge and it was so interesting we sold out and made money in about 1 hour and a half of selling me were profitable and in such a short amount  of time we were able to sellout. I was thinking of maybe selling this for the IBC course because everyone we sold to said there is no bubble drink around here and they were willing to pay up to 5.00 $  while we were only charging 2.00 $. Another thing that we enjoyed doing was using Venmo as payment many times people would wall up to us and say they did not have money so I would always ask if they had Venmo they would say yes because now in days people always have their phone on them so that would guarantee us a sale and we would make money with the Venmo cash transfer app. I enjoyed selling the drinks with friends and had fun but even though I am a great sales man I really feel like it takes a lot out of me and after words I am really sad and tired so I cant do it for long personally but still over all enjoy able and I feel like it was a success.

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